Links to our Jungian Inspired films. Stop Motion Fairy Tales, Comedies, and Fables for reflection, discussion, and laughter!
What part of the story are YOU living right now?
“Of the various types of mythological literature, fairy tales are the simplest and purest expressions of the collective unconscious and thus offer the clearest understanding of the basic patterns of the human psyche.” — Marie Louise Von Franz

Modernized Fairy Tale Films!
Watch these award-winning short films based on fairy tales, folk tales, and legends. These old stories are full of perennial wisdom. Packed with humor and layers of meaning, these films can be watched numerous times* — for laughter, reflection, and deep discussion.
*Viewers report that watching two or more times increases their enjoyment and understanding of these tales.
Check out our newest film! Snow White, Rose Red and the Little Capitalist!

Short comedies!
Watch these award-winning short films designed for laughter. Between 3-15 minutes. Laughter is good for the soul.

Characters and Culture!
Watch these award-winning short films exploring unique characters and cultural realities. Also comedies!

Longer Fairy tales for discussion!
We’ve assembled some tales that are great to watch and then discuss in groups. We’ve broken them into parts or chapters. Like dreams, they contain perennial wisdom found in folk and fairy tales.

Micro short films filled with big ideas!
Watch these super short films! These short comedies ask deep questions about today’s world and our place in it.